


lost 20 pounds
Dropped 10% body fat

"I've had a plethora of injuries from sciatica, to surgery on a nerve that extended from my elbow to wrist. I needed to be train in a manner where I wouldn't get injured and have constant setbacks. In the beginning the routine was more about mobility, corrective exercises, injury prevention and core. After the initial phase was over we went to traditional methods of body building (lean muscle). I really appreciate the j+k team for constructing a training program that helped loose the weight, sculpt my body and most importantly workout pain free.” 



Lost 125lbs
Dropped 18% body fat

" When I first started training at j+k, my first goal was to be healthy and weight-loss.  Then over time when my body transformed rapidly, I wanted to be healthy and fit in clothes that showed off my body.  The one thing thats sustain me over the course of time has been the lifestyle changes." 



lost 15 pounds
Dropped 8% body fat

"Having workout for a long time, I wanted to change my routine and break through some mental and physical plateaus that I was enduring.  My weight and body % fat would stay the same for the longest period.  I needed to switch things up!!!! The combination of power-lifting, high intensity training and nutrition helped with my weight loss and drop in body % fat. Training at j+k was tough but worth every single drop of sweat and sacrifice."



 -Lost 18LBS  from 147lbs to 129lbs in 12 months




lost 3 pounds
dropped 3% in body fat

"Griffin and Asad, and all have unique and interesting perspectives .  I'm in frequent text communication with all of them about meals, macros, supplements, trends, exercises.  Definitely feels like I have an entire team on my side. As a biohacker I was more cerebral about exercising, these guys brought a combination of thoughtfulness and power to my exercise program.  My approach to fitness has forever changed " 



"I came to j+k before my wedding to transform my body fairly quickly and to do so in less than couple of months.. These guys made it all happen. The focus was on nutrition and highly metabolic workout programs where rest was minimal. In addition to alot of stretching, for the back issues I had prior to training. Never had felt better in my life "

 -Lost 15 lbs and 4 % body fat




Lost 7lbs
dropped 6% body fat



lost 23 pounds
Dropped 7% body fat

"I needed help with eating properly and choosing healthy foods to help me transform my body. I still ate as though I was in college and that wasn't going to cut it especially as I was getting older.  These guys educated me in how to workout and how to eat "



lost 8 pounds
Dropped 3% body fat

I started working out twice a week at J+K fitness about 5 months prior to my wedding day. By then, I had lost 8 pounds and dropped an inch from my waist and hips. The most amazing part was that my progress felt very natural, not forced, as the (bridal) trainers at J+K really worked with me to develop a personalized workout program based on my body type and advancing fitness levels - - all without ever compromising correct form. It was so rewarding to see my efforts pay off! 



Anita & Hormazd

Anita & Hormazd

Anita lost 10lbs
Hormazd lost 8lbs

 " We had a just a few months to get ready for our wedding and we really wanted to make as much progress in the shortest amount of time and of course train together...We didn't have that much experience in a gym setting and quite honestly were not big fans.  Luckily we found j+k,  not only did we get ready for our wedding, we also learned a great deal about how to exercise, eat properly and not hurt ourselves....”

Alyssa & Tony

Alyssa & Tony






lost 23 pounds
Dropped 12% body fat

"I was approaching 50 and I wanted to reach a goal I never reached before.  To look better now than I did when I was in my 20's.  Hiring the j+k team motivated me so much that I never felt so focused.  Getting in great shape is more about  your attitude and psychology than anything else"



lost 17 pounds
Dropped 8.6% body fat

"My lifestyle went from sidelined to completely active, which drastically decreased my appetite and increased my sex drive. I also credit J+K with adding years to my life. The trainers there always have my best interests in mind, so I never doubt them. They pushed my physical and mental limits in ways that allowed me to achieve more than I ever thought was possible."



lost 12lbs
Dropped 6% body fat

"Running a demanding business didn't leave me much time for exercising..  I knew that in order to make a major difference in my body I needed some guidance and expertise.   These guys exceeded my expectations and really helped me dial in with the nutrition and exercise." 



lost 25 lbs
Dropped 8% body fat

"My goal when I first started training at J+K was to look good at the bars and be able to fit in my well fitted shirt.  Once I got in the best shape of my life,my initial goal trying fit in the shirt was tossed.   Now I wanted to look good out of my clothes."



Lost 15lbs
Dropped 7% body fat

"Having gotten out of a long relationship, I knew if I was going to start dating I wanted to look my best and have that phone ring off the hook. Getting a trainer at J+K, helped accelerate the process...Now the phone won't stop ringing"



lost 25 pounds
Dropped 9% body fat

"The J+K system is definitely ahead of the game. I feel like each workout is so different and I never had time to adjust which kept it me motivated and in check. I lost my weight more quickly than I ever expected, but feeling better mentally became even more important to me than the physical changes. I never thought looking and feeling better would change my life so dramatically, it helped my find the girl I'm with today.”




lost 20 pounds
Dropped 6% body fat

"J+K trainers have deep compassion, even while delivering the most demanding workouts. They gave me room to be myself, and never gave up on my ability to achieve my goals. They also helped me to see that I am mentally strong enough to conquer any challenge, which, thanks to the training I received, has become a metaphor for every part of my life."



Lost 4% body fat

"By nature I'm very detail oriented and knew that I wanted to be trained by someone who shared similar qualities. Even though I Iived across town it was totally worth coming here. After every workout I would be drenched soaking wet with sweat.  



Gained 20 pounds
dropped 4% body fat

"I was in transition from my job to Business School and had 5 months to get in the best shape of life. My goal was to pack on as much muscle as  I could. Being trained in every from from power lifting, supersetting, drop sets, one rep max was tough.  Even tougher was eating copious amounts of food.  In the end I gain the most amount of size i could ever imagine"



lost 19 pounds
Dropped 8% body fat

"Sometimes I can be a difficult client and complain and bitch.  These guys saw through it and gave me the workouts I needed to get in the shape I desired."